Sarah Wood

Reception for new London Blue Badge Tourist Guides

On Thursday 20 March, 25 trainees attended the Association of Professional Tourist Guide (APTG) New Guides’ Reception organised by Sarah Speller.  23 Trainees had been on a “How many ways are there to do a the Guard Change?” walk with Owen Joseph in the afternoon.

The idea was that the wallk showed them as many alternatives as possible to do the Guard Change and that they could then come along to the reception, which was held at Unite, Theobald’s Road.

Association of Professional Tourist Guides  - New Guides Reception Photo by ©Tina Engström.

The reception started with an hour-long seminar with members talking about different aspect of APTG, including:

  • Sarah Wood: The origins of APTG
  • Derek Tarr: Welcome from the Chair
  • Amanda Bryett: How to start out as a guide
  • Paul Aves: Life as a newly qualifed guide
  • Nigel Runstrom: Driver guiding
  • Chris Hoodith & Bev Miles:  E & T
  • Sarah Speller:  How to join APTG

There was a very good question and answer sessiona and after this there was the traditional APTG hospital organised by Jeanie Carmichael and Angie Morgan.  The event was a success and many of the trainees were asking how they could get involved once they had qualified – music to our ears!  We have offered all newly qualified guides the chance of having an APTG buddy who can help them get established, advise them with practicalities and be generally kind and encouraging.   


Would you like to explore London and beyond with a highly qualified and enthusiastic Blue Badge Tourist Guide?  Use our Guide Match service to find the perfect one for you!

Sarah Wood

Having grown up in a small town that is not quite east, not quite north or south and not quite the Midlands, I can still remember the thrill of discovering London as a child. Decades on and after umpteen years as a Blue Badge guide and educator, I still…

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