Guide London

Covid-19 Guidance for Tour Guiding

In these uncertain times, people considering taking a guided tour in London and beyond may understandably have concerns about their health and safety. But with the UK’s professionally qualified and highly trained Blue Badge Tourist Guides, you will be in extremely capable hands.

As part of their thorough general training, Blue Badge Tourist Guides are experts in effective and sensitive group management techniques, on streets and at tourist sites, churches and museums.  In addition, as members of Guide London/Association of Professional Tourist Guides, they are following the Covid-19 Guidance for Tourist Guides developed in conjunction with the Institute of Tourist Guiding, the British Guild of Tourist Guides,  and the Driver-Guides Association.

Guides who are members of these organisations are expected to abide by this guidance during the Covid-19 crisis.

1. Guides will ensure they are familiar with the most up-to-date public health guidelines and
will adhere to these for the duration of the tour.

2. Guides will maintain government-recommended social distancing between themselves and
clients at all times. On tours where the group includes different households, guides will
encourage and help clients to adopt appropriate social distancing between each other too.

3. When guiding groups from different households, guides will follow government guidance to
determine the maximum possible group size.

4. Guides will avoid shaking hands or any other physical contact with clients.

5. Guides will apply rigorous hygiene practices, including thoroughly cleaning and waiting for
hands to dry before guiding, and use a personal hand sanitiser when this is not possible.

6. If requested, guides will consider wearing a mask or visor.

7. Badged guides will know where public toilets/hand-washing facilities/hand sanitiser points
are available.

8. Remote audio devices (such as Whisper, Vox and various apps) can be effective for social
distancing on guided tours. Guides will happily work with tour companies using these

9. Badged guides are experts in the tourist sites they visit with clients. Guides will ensure they are fully aware of sites’ specific Covid-19 requirements and comply with them.

10. Badged guides know the towns and cities where they lead tours intricately. Guides will be
familiar with more crowded areas and will make best efforts to negotiate them, or if
appropriate, avoid them.

11. Where appropriate, guides will liaise with coach companies and private vehicle companies
and drivers to ensure vehicles have been thoroughly sanitised.

Visit Britain: We're Good To Go logo12. Driver guides will ensure their vehicle is thoroughly cleaned inside after previous use. They will follow licensing authority and national Covid-19 regulations for cleaning their vehicles and maintaining air-conditioning systems. Driver guides will carry disinfecting wipes, hand sanitisers and paper towels in their cars, and will use face masks if appropriate.

Beyond the above, many guides are also getting certified through  Visit Britain’s newly released We’re Good To Go industry standard. This is designed to help offer additional assurance that you will be as safe from transmission risks as possible as the tourism sector reopens.


Guide London

GUIDE LONDON represents the membership of the Association of Professional Tourist Guides which includes 600+ Blue Badge Tourist Guides in London.

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