Chienting Liao

您好,我是Vicky,大家也常常叫我哈太太。 快速帶大家認識我: •我超級熱愛這份工作,我喜歡麥克風,喜歡人群。 •在15年的旅遊業工作經驗中,從2009年起帶著客人遊歷歐洲,遊山玩水,非常瞭解客戶所需 •專業的注意每項旅遊細節,時間掌控,客人們都能感受到我的貼心及耐心, •我喜歡用專業地講解,用深入淺出,幽默風趣的方式帶您了解英國和倫敦。 •我的專業包括歷史、文學、藝術和文化。 •我的團總是充滿歡笑,有人說我是諧星,沒關係,讓大家開心我就開心。 •我也很會跟孩子玩喔,如果你有帶孩子來,我會盡可能讓他們安靜,哈開玩笑啦 我會用孩子的語言講解給他們聽,滿足他們的好奇心(我也是媽媽,所以我知道孩子想要什麼)。 •我非常在意旅客的感受,所以在旅行的過程中請讓我知道您的需求,不要放在心裡不說唷 •我的目標呢,就是讓我的旅客每天都玩得開心,了解很多英國相關的文化歷史, 看到想看的,吃到想吃的,買到想買的。 •旅遊業經歷: 過去15年在旅遊業的工作經驗,包括業務,線控,及10年歐洲領隊, 前公司是一家專門經營優質深度團,就是台灣說的高價團, 在這些年帶了121團歐洲線,深度的走訪各地,也吃了許多米其林, 包括英國各大城小鎮,風景區,古蹟教堂,各大節慶。 (倫敦各大節慶,聖派翠克節,諾丁丘嘉年華,女王官方慶生 trooping the color,愛丁堡軍樂節等等), 過去的歐洲經驗我都放在我的官網了, 如果大家有歐洲旅遊的問題也歡迎私訊我唷! 過去的美好歐洲三天三夜講不完,請不要讓我繼續講下去:) 以下是我最受歡迎的倫敦專業導覽行程: •倫敦一日/二日市區導覽 •大英博物館 •西敏寺 •倫敦塔 •國家藝廊 •聖保羅大教堂 •肯辛頓宮 •其他博物館、美術館。 •其他熱門城鎮如牛津,巴斯,溫莎,格林威治等一日行程 除了以上,如果你喜歡文學,我也有設計 •莎士比亞文學之旅, •狄更斯的倫敦生活之旅, •哈利波特之旅, •珍奧斯汀之旅, •其他像是:品酒之旅,藝術導覽,美食品鑑,時尚購物之旅。 這些大大小小的主題, 我都迫不及待想帶你們來體驗, 倫敦真的好精彩好好玩! 我的幾個社群,歡迎追蹤 IG: (每日更新,給你最新的倫敦有趣事) 臉書粉專: 倫敦藍牌導遊哈太太 Podcast :倫敦導遊哈太太 (每周更新) 最後跟大家說聲這兩年辛苦了, 期待在倫敦見到你, 讓我為您和您的家人服務, 咱們一起好好玩! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I am Vicky, you can call me Mrs Honey. I know you have lots to see , so I’ll make it quick: Why me? - My professional life began working as a tour manager in 2009, followed by 10 years as a Tour leader taking tours of the UK, Ireland and ALL Europe. I absolutely love showing people around London. -I am fun, nice and very organized and always make sure that my clients have a good time. -I am good at history, literature, art, and culture. -My goal :to show visitors what you want to see; to be informative, LOTs of fun professional, and to look after them as if they were my own family or friends. -I think everyone enjoys a conversation with me,and if you have kids I will do my very best to engage them and get them chatting and curious (I'm a mum too, so I spend lots of time with kids). -I care about clients feeling. I want to know about you so I can make your trip as amazing as possible. I can offer walks on a wide range of themes including Royal London and a visit to British Museum,Westminster Abbey,Tower of London, St Pauls, National Gallery, Hampton Court Palace and Kensington Palace. Also different theme of Walking tours, such as Shakespeare Tour, Charles Dickens Tour, Harry Potter tour…etc. And coach tours, site visits, individuals, families, large groups, corporate clients.... no matter the kind of tour, I will always ensure that this wonderfully diverse city surprise my visitors. I also lead tours in London and trips from London to nearby places like Windsor, Oxford, Bath, etc. Hope to see you soon.
Chinese (Mandarin)Top 5 Specialities
National Gallery Tour
Westminster Abbey Tour
Tower of London Tour
Classic London Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 25th of April, 2022
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